It Takes All Kinds

Children can grow into avid readers from enjoying a variety of books—fiction and nonfiction alike. Books of all kinds can present children with new concepts and ways to understand the world, help them learn how to navigate challenges, and gain self-confidence to try new things.

Just the facts

Nonfiction books can motivate children to read, too. Their presentation of every aspect of nature and the myriad of human cultures from the past to the present offer kids access and insight into the world beyond their front doors and neighborhoods. They offer readers answers to their questions and inspiration for factual explorations.

Fantastic stories

Fictional storybooks can beckon children into exploring books and learning to read. Their invented characters provide children with vicarious experiences of danger, adventure, and overcoming adversity. Stories also are wonderful for stimulating children’s imaginations and starting family conversations.

Free books

Unite for Literacy’s free library of books for children from birth through the early elementary school years are mostly nonfiction. They’re also narrated in 50+ languages and feature culturally relevant images and information in which readers can see themselves and their lives positively represented. 

We invite you to join us in presenting the global worlds of childhood through books. Together we can create factual books that celebrate the cultures of the world for new readers and language learners to enjoy.


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